
Abstraction Vol.53, No.4

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Emotion-Intention Criticism and Chinese Literature Study

Hsing-Chien Che (Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University)

Invited Article
1. The Sensuscommunis of Being and the Metaphorical Expression of Political-Bildung Ideology: Exploring Emotion-Intention Criticism and the Effectiveness of Reflexivity Interpretation of Chinese Classical Literature
Kun-Yang Yen (Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, Tamkang University)

Special Issue Article
2. From Emotion-Intention Criticism to Hermeneutics of Authorial Intention
Hsing-Chien Che (Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University)

3. A Discussion about Emotion-Intention Criticism
Hsin-Yang Lai (Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taipei University)

4. A Study on the Poetic Topic of the Dialectical Relationship between Wen and Qing by the Revivalist in Ming Dynasty
Ying-Chieh Chen (Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University)

5. An Introductory Study of Yao Wenxie’s Emotion-Intention Criticism in Anthology of Changgu’s Poems
Pei-Chi Chen (Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, Providence University)

Research Article
6. Anxiety of Vocalization and Writing Strategies of China’s Contemporary Poetic History
Tah-Wei Chan (Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taipei University)

 ☆ Thought and Words  


Abstraction Vol.53, No.3

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Religious Studies

Pen-Hsuan Lin (Professor and Chairman, Department of Cultural Tourism, National United University)

Special Issue Article
1. The Developmental Contexts of the Phenomenon on Direct Communication with Supernatural Spirits: An Exploration of Native Spiritual Movement in Contemporary Taiwan
Mei-Jung Lin (Professor, Institute of Religion and Humanity, Tzu-chi University)
Fong-Ming Lee (Ph. D., Department of Ethnology, National Cheng-Chi University)

2. In and Out Religion: the Spiritual Practices of Taiwan’s New Agers
Chia-Luen Chen (Associate Professor, College of General Education, Hungkuang University)

3. The Review of “Conditions for Registration of the Temple” from the Religious Group Autonomy
Yue-Dian Hsu (Distinguished Professor, Dean of College of Social Sciences, Department of Law, National Cheng Kung University)
Wen-Han Tsai (Master, Department of Law, National Cheng Kung University)

Research Article
4. Populism in Contemporary Taiwan: Forming Images of ‘The People’ Against ‘Others’
Yu-Ting Huang (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology, Tunghai University)
Ruey-Ming Tsay (Distinguished Professor and Vice President, Department of Sociology, Tunghai University)

5. On Common Sense and Imagination in Historiographical Research: A Case Study of Decoding Two Primary Sources in the Compiling History of the Comprehensive Mirror
Chia-Fu Sung (Assistant Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan University)

Research Note
6. Affect, Fieldwork Techniques, Being, and Anthropological Knowledge
Weining Cheng (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica)

 ☆ Thought and Words