
Abstraction Vol.52, No.2

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Research Article
1. Mining for Fiscal Control: Bureaucratic Negotiations over Shandong Mines in Early Eighteenth-Century China
Li-Chung Tang (Assistant Professor, Department of History, National Chi Nan University)

2. Against Odor: A Study on The National Health Surveys of The French Royal Society of Medicine in Eighteenth-Century (1776-1794)
Yueh-Yuan Chen (Assistant Professor, Department of History, National Chung Hsing University)

3. Comparative Research on the Foreign Policy of the Imperial Way Faction and the Control Faction of the Showa Army
Tien-Kun Yang (Assistant Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan University)

3. The “Spy” Discourse in South Korea in the Late 1960s and its Political Implication: a Study on the Basis of Lee Su-Geun and Lee Seung-Bok Incidents
En-Mei Wang (Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Studies, National Taiwan Normal University)

4. Introduction and Transformation: Social Responsibility of the Press in Taiwan Martial Law Period
Hsiu-Chin Yang (Adjunct Assistant Professor, General Education Center, National Taipei University of Technology)

Research Note
5. Reconsidering the Halt of the Loss of Biodiversity in a Market-based Perspective
Hsiao-Lan Liu (Assistant Professor, Department of Hakka language and social sciences, National Central University)
Huei-Ying Shih (Associate Professor, Department of Hakka language and social sciences, National Central University)

☆ Thought and Words