
Abstraction Vol. 54, No. 4

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Academic Contribution of Ronald H. Coase

Cheng-Ping Cheng (Associate Professor, Department of Finance, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology)

Special Issue Article
1. Coase Theory of the Firm: Property RightsIntegration and Corporate Governance
Alfred Li-Ping Cheng (Associate Professor, Department of Information Management and Finance, National Chiao Tung University; Policy Research Consultant, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research)

2. Transaction Cost Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategies: An Illustration
Using Two Taiwanese Firms
Shan-Yu Chen (Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Feng Chia University)
Chyong-Ling Judy Chen (Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Feng Chia University)
Ho-Don Yan (Professor, Department of Economics, Feng Chia University)

3. How New Institutional Economists Interpret China’s Great Transformation: Coase’s Book as an Example
Cheng-Ping Cheng (Associate Professor, Department of Finance, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology)

4. Remembering Ronald Coase and the University of Chicago Law School: From Transaction Cost to the Marketplace of Ideas
Ching-Yi Liu (Professor, Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University)

5. HENA, Appreciation, and Coase
Steven S. Kan (Law and Economics Scholar without Academic Affiliation)

Research Note
6. In Memoriam: Ronald H. Coase and My Immersion in Law and Economics
Lawrence S. Liu (Chairman, CDIB Venture Capital Corporation)

7. Ronald H. Coase: A Wholesome Economist
Ruey-Hua Liu (Professor, Department of Economics, National Tsing Hua University)

Research Article
8. “Withered Tree” and “Lightness of Body”: An Interdisciplinary Discussion of Zhuangzi Commentaries, the Poet’s Embodied Cognition, and the Dialectical Diagnosis of the School of Physicians
Bi-Ming Tsai (Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University)

9. Assimilation or Domestication? Historical Analysis on the Japanese Colonial Policies and Elderly Welfare in Taiwan
Hubert Liu (Assistant Professor, Department of Gerontological Care and Management, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology)

☆ Thought and Words  


Abstraction Vol. 54, No. 3

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Cheng-Ping Cheng (Associate Professor, Department of Finance, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology)

Special Issue Article
1. The Cost and Benefit of Developing Integrated Resort and Gaming Industry in Matsu
Jiann-Chyuan Wang (Research Fellow and Vice President, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research)
Ching-Pin Fu (Senior Researcher, Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute)
Tsung-Che Wei (Associate Research Fellow, The Third Research Division, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research)

2. The Arguments and Facts Against “Legalizing Casino Gambling in Designated Tourism Districts”
Chih-Kuei Yeh (Professor, Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies, National Dong Hwa University)
I-Yin Yen (Corresponding author) (Assistant Professor, Department of Leisure Management, I-Shou University)

3. David Versus Goliath: A Comparison on the Mobilization of Supporters and Opponents in the 2009 Penghu Casino Referendum
I-Lun Tsai (Associate Professor, General Education Center, National Penghu University of Science and Technology)

4. Discuss Decriminalization of Gambling in the Social Change Perspective
Chia-Hua Wu (Ph.D. Student, College of Law, National Taiwan University; Judge, Taiwan Taipei District Court)

Policy Review
5. Offering a Developing Opportunity to Matsu
Suei-Sheng Yang (Doctor, Bureau of Health & Welfare; Pre-County Magistrate, Lienchiang County)

6. Inspecting Matsu’s Referendum on Setting Casino
Tsung-Hsun Ho (Convener, Alliance Against the Legalization of Gambling)

7. The Symposium on Taiwan’s Casino Industry
Chien-Feng Wei et. al.

Research Article
8. Levinas’ Criticism on Heidegger’s Ontology, from the Disparity of Dying and Death to Ethic: An Example on Being and Time
Wan-I Yang (Associate Professor, Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University)

9. Democracy, Equality, and Dialogue: The Ideal and Practice of Liberal Arts Education
Yu-Cheng Liu (Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Sociology, Nanhua University)

☆ Thought and Words  


Abstraction Vol. 54, No. 2

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Democracy in Contemporary Taiwan

Chia-Yin Chang (Professor, Department of Law, Shih Hsin University)

Special Issue Article
1. Taiwan’s Death Penalty in the Local-Global Dynamics
Chia-Wen Lee (Professor, Department of Law, National Cheng Kung University)

2. Parrhēsia and Democracy, Michel Foucault’s Last Lesson
Yuan-Horng Chu (Professor, Graduate Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao-Tung University)

3. Differential Governance and Democratic Participation: An Analysis of Trade Adjustment Assistance Employment Policies in Response to Trade Liberalization in Taiwan
Chien-Hung Lee (Associate Professor, Department of Labor Relations, Chinese Culture University)

4. From National Identity to Social Class: Democratic Progressive Party’s Shifting Discourse about Cross-Strait Trade Issues
Dee Wu (B.S. Degree, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University)

5. A Forum on Taiwan’s Democracy: Does Taiwan’s Democracy face a Crisis?
Chien-Feng Wei et. al.

Research Article
6. Practices of Citizen Journalism from the Perspective of Communication Empowerment: A Case Study on PeoPo and Citizen Reporters in Taiwan
Chu-Jie Chen (Associate Research Professor, School of Communication and Design, Sun Yat-sen University)

Research Note
7. How Communities were Studied? Three Approaches to Community Studies in Taiwan in the 1960s and the 1970s
Jia-Shin Tsai (Ph.D Student, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing Hua University)

☆ Thought and Words  


Abstraction Vol. 54, No. 1

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Modern Japanese Studies

Kun-Chiang Chang (Professor, Department of East Asian Studies, National Taiwan Normal University)

Special Issue Article
1. How Modern Japan Conceptualizes and Constructs Narratives of Women from Warrior Families
Kun-Chiang Chang (Professor, Department of East Asian Studies, National Taiwan Normal University)

2. Bushido and Modern Age
Chin-Ping Liao (Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University)

3. A Study on the Samurai Spirit of Saka no Ue no Kumo: Focus on Comparing with Bushido in Meiji Period
Shiaw-Hua Chien (Professor and Chairman, Department of Applied Japanese, Chung Hua University)

4. Problems about Education on Chinese in Modern Japan and Confucian Classics’ Retreat: Through Integrations of Textbooks of Chinese in Meiji Period
Pei-Yi Chin (Professor, Department of Chinese, National Taiwan Normal University)

5. The Origin of Sun Yat-sen’s “Equalization of Land Rights” Policy: The Influences from the Euro-American Theories and the Active Interactions with Japanese Comrades
Tzu-Chin Huang (Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica)

6. The Exotic Moon Shining Over Nationalism: a Close Reading of the Komin Literature in the Pan East Asian War Period by Fujii Shozo and Some Theoretical Reflections on Literary and Cultural History
Yun-Hong Lin (Ph. D., Department of Chinese and Literature, National Dong Hwa University)

Research Article
7. From “Minshi” to “Shuishi”: On the Origin of Liang Qichao’s “Sleeping Lion” Discourse
Jui-sung Yang (Associate Professor, Department of History, National Chengchi University)

 ☆ Thought and Words