Call For Papers

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The Humanities and Social Science Journal, Thought and Words: Call for Papers
  1. Thought and Words is one of Taiwan’s few long-standing academic journals. Among its founders are veteran scholars, including fellows of the Academia Sinica, who raised funds to establish the publication independently. The journal is a holistic academic journal, publishing articles in the humanities and social sciences. It particularly welcomes for submission articles that adopt interdisciplinary, integrated thinking and perspectives. It is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. It is an open publication and welcomes submissions from scholars at home and abroad.  
  2. For submission formats please refer to Style for Submissions in the most recent edition of the journal, or send an e-mail to Alternatively, you may download the details from  
  3. The journal reserves the right to make textual improvements and revise formats. Any other amendments will be handled by discussion between the editorial committee and the author(s). 
  4. Please obtain the original author’s consent or publisher’s written consent for copyrighted items (such as graphics or lengthy quotations) within submissions. The journal is not responsible for such copyright matters. 
  5. All submissions to the journal are sent by the editorial committee to scholars for evaluation. The double-anonymous review system is used for evaluation. Please do not supply within the text of any submission any information by which the author(s) might be identified.  
  6. Submission of an article to Thought and Words constitutes representation that all authors of the submitted work consent to its publication in Thought and Words and authorize Thought and Words, by means of a free non-exclusive license, to authorize Airiti to publish it on the Chinese Electronic Periodical Services website and Hyweb Technology to publish it on the HyRead website, and, similarly, by means of a non-exclusive license, to authorize United Data Banks Digital Publishing Inc. to publish it on the United Data Banks Data Center website, turn it into a digital, searchable database or in future publish it in a similar database, and, in electronic form via CD, internet, online databases and other public means of transmission, to make it available to users (for such purposes as searching, browsing, downloading, printing, etc.,). To meet the database requirements and the format of the changes.
  7. Please do not submit to Thought and Words articles that have been submitted to or published in other publications. Please send your submissions to for the attention of the administrative secretary, the humanities and social science journal, Thought and Words.