
Abstraction Vol.51, No.1

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Disaster Research

Wei-An Chang (Dean, College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao Tung University)

Invited Article
1. Can FUKUSIMA Save the World? Toward an Nuclear Phase-Out Society
Koichi Hasegawa (Professor, Department of Sociology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, 
                          Tohoku University)
Ching-Lan Huang (Trans.) (Ph.D. candidate, Department of Sociology, Tunghai University)

2. Japan after the "3.11": A Great Transformation of the Technical Civilization
Yung-Feng Chen (Executive Director of Tunghai University's Center for Japan Area Studies)

3. An Introduction to the Research Center for Urban Safety and Security in Kobe University
Tsung-Yi Lee (Ph.D Candidate, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing-Hua University)

Special Issue Article
1. Beyond Bureaucracy: the Evolution of Disaster Relief in the Age of Web 2.0
Wei-An Chang (Dean, College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao Tung University)
Tsung-Yi Lee (Ph.D Candidate, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing-Hua University)
Ilya Eric Lee (Ph.D Student, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing-Hua University)

2. The Construction of Social Meaning in Disaster Narratives of Mass Media: ramaturgical Analysis of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan
Wei-Hsian Chi (Associate Professor, Department of Applied Sociology, Nan-Hua University)

3. Can Social Vulnerability Explain the Distribution of Mortality in the 921 Earthquake?
Ko-Hua Yap (Project appointed assistant professor, Department of Sociology, National Sun Yat-sen University)

4. Incomplete Transform: The Development and Predicament of the Role of Women in Post-Disaster Settings
Jung-Chia Chang (Ph.D Student, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing Hua University)

5. Resilience of Nursing Homes in Taiwan in the Process of Flood Evacuation
Hsiang-Chieh Lee (Senior Assistant Research Fellow National Science and Technological Center for 
                           Disaster Reduction [NCDR])
Yang-Ning Lee (Assistant Research Fellow, NCDR)
Hui-HsuanYang (Senior Assistant Research Fellow, NCDR)
Ming-Jen Chuang (Senior Assistant Research Fellow, NCDR)

6. A Study of Sustainable Sociology: Reflection on 921 Earthquake Disaster
Shih-Ming Huang (Associate Professor, Institute of Economic and Social Studies, College of Hakka Studies,
                          National United University)

Research Note
1. A Disaster of Data? Social Surveys’ Limitations in the 921 Earthquake
Yi-Chun Chang (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University)
Thung-Hong Lin (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)


Abstraction Vol.50, No.4

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Human Rights Studies
Chien- Feng Wei

Special Issue Article
1. An Examination on the Implementation of the Two Covenants After Two Years: With a Focus on Judicial Practice
Wen-Chen Chang  Associate Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University

2. Situations and Worries on Hong Kong’s Human Rights Development
Yiu-Kwong Chong  Solicitor; Teaching Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Education; 
                             Deputy Chair of HK Human Rights Monitor
Hiu-Chung Kwok  Officer, Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor

3. The Chinese Communist Regime’s Human Rights Position Based on Its Policy Programmes
Joseph Yu-Shek Cheng  Coordinator, Contemporary China Research Project, City University of Hong Kong

Research Article
1.  A Study of the Writing Year of Zhu-Zi’s Zhong He Four Letters”
Hong-Wen Huang  Part-time Lecturer, General Education Center, National Taichung University of Science and Technology

Research Note
1. Emotions and Social Critiques: Emotional Explanation of Human Beings’ Social Actions
Ya-Chen Chang  Research Assistant, Division of Preventive Medicine and Health Services Research, Institute of Population Health Sciences, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan; Master of Arts, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, UK


Abstraction Vol.50, No.3

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Research Article

1. Between Academic Logistics and Education Frontline: The Bridging Labor of College Administrative Secretaries
Yi-Tze Chen, MSSc., Graduate Institute for Social Transformation Studies, Shih Hsin University,
Chih-Hung Wang   Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University

2. The Consumption of McDonald for Primary School Children: A Social-Cultural Study on Focus Groups
Li-Jung Wang, Professor, Graduate Institute of Hakka Social and Cultural Studies, National Central University
Shou-Cheng Lai, Assistant Professor, Department of Bio-industry Communication and Development, National Taiwan University
Min-Hui Fong, Teacher, Elementary School of Dong Men, Taoyuan County

3. Tourist Gaze as the Cultural Governance: Jiangs, Mainland Tourists and the (De)Politicization of Tourism
Chun-Kai Woo, Ph.D Student, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University

4. Cultural Reproduction and Gender in Nationalism: On the Gendered Nationalist Project of the Sorbian Minority in Germany
Fen-Fang Tsai, Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Hakka Social and Cultural Studies, National Central University

Research Note
1. On Intergenerational Justice
Chung-Cheng Huang, Assistant Professor, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University

Book Review
1. A Review Essay on The Development History of the Academic Discipline in the Republic of China edited by Fan-Sen Wang
Chi-Kin Au, Assistant Professor, History Department, Hong Kong Shue Yan University