
Abstraction Vol.51, No.3

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Abstraction Vol.51, No.3

Research Article
1. Forgotten "Heroes" of Miaoli and the Ch’ing Dynasty: Cheng Jun, Sho Tungchun, Zhung Rueisheng and the Miaoli Yimin Paramilitaries
Zheng-Tian Zhang (Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, Feng Chia University)

2. Clarification on the Problems of the Paternal Role in the Family Education in Yan Shi Jia Xun
Ying-Fen Su (Assistant Research Fellow, Fu Jen Academia Catholica, Fu Jen Catholic University, Adjunct Assistant Professor, General Education Center, National Taiwan University of Arts)

3. A Contrastive Analysis of Checked and Non-checked Tones in Hakka Infant-Directed Speech
Ming-Chung Cheng (Associate Professor, Institute of Hakka Language and Communication, National United University)

4. Study on Constitutionality of “Jing Si Aphorism Instruction” by Neutrality of Education
Mei-Lien Hsueh (Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University)
Research Note
5. A Brief Biography of Sun Ying-Ao and Commentary on Related Studies
Wen-Shu Huang (Professor, Center for Teacher Education, Shu-Te University)

6. From ‘History of Taiwan Island’ to ‘Identity of Taiwan’: The Inspiration of the Historiography of Fernard Braudel’s “The Identity of France
Neng-Chih Chen (Associate Professor, Center for General Education, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology)

Book Review
7. Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, Iran in World Politics: The Questions of the Islamic Republic
Li-Chiao Chen (PhD candidate, Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London)


Abstraction Vol.51, No.2

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Abstraction Vol.51, No.2
Atypical Employment

Chia-Ho Lin (Assistant Professor, College of Law, National Chengchi University)

Special Issue Article
1. The Dilemma and Compromise between Equality and Efficiency in the Context of Flexicurity: An Analysis of Temporary Agency Work Directive in European Union
Chien-Hung Lee (Associate Professor, Department of Labor Relations, Chinese Culture University)

2. A Study of dispute of the Labor “Outsourcing” of the Public Sector in Taiwan: Speaking from the Temporary Staff Dismissal Case in National Taiwan Sports University
Liang-Jung Lin (Assistant Professor, College of Law, National Chengchi University)

3. Blockage or Dredge, the Solution Towards the Abnormal Development of Labor Dispatch
Bao-Hua Dong (Professor, Koguan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

4. On the Characteristics and Deficiencies of Regulations of Part-time Employment in Mainland China
De-Cheng Xie (Prof. of School of Economic Law, and Director of the Institute of Social Law from Northwest University of Politics & Law)

Research Article
5. Methods for Advocating Gender Justice: Situating Susan Okin’s Contribution
Pin-Fei Lu (Part-time Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Program of Humanities and Social Sciences & Center for General Education, National Tsing Hua University)

6. Learning Solitary Meditation in Life Education: The Metaphorical Perspective of the Rhino Horn
Pao-Chen Wang (Ph. D., Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University)


Abstraction Vol.51, No.1

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Disaster Research

Wei-An Chang (Dean, College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao Tung University)

Invited Article
1. Can FUKUSIMA Save the World? Toward an Nuclear Phase-Out Society
Koichi Hasegawa (Professor, Department of Sociology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, 
                          Tohoku University)
Ching-Lan Huang (Trans.) (Ph.D. candidate, Department of Sociology, Tunghai University)

2. Japan after the "3.11": A Great Transformation of the Technical Civilization
Yung-Feng Chen (Executive Director of Tunghai University's Center for Japan Area Studies)

3. An Introduction to the Research Center for Urban Safety and Security in Kobe University
Tsung-Yi Lee (Ph.D Candidate, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing-Hua University)

Special Issue Article
1. Beyond Bureaucracy: the Evolution of Disaster Relief in the Age of Web 2.0
Wei-An Chang (Dean, College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao Tung University)
Tsung-Yi Lee (Ph.D Candidate, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing-Hua University)
Ilya Eric Lee (Ph.D Student, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing-Hua University)

2. The Construction of Social Meaning in Disaster Narratives of Mass Media: ramaturgical Analysis of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan
Wei-Hsian Chi (Associate Professor, Department of Applied Sociology, Nan-Hua University)

3. Can Social Vulnerability Explain the Distribution of Mortality in the 921 Earthquake?
Ko-Hua Yap (Project appointed assistant professor, Department of Sociology, National Sun Yat-sen University)

4. Incomplete Transform: The Development and Predicament of the Role of Women in Post-Disaster Settings
Jung-Chia Chang (Ph.D Student, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing Hua University)

5. Resilience of Nursing Homes in Taiwan in the Process of Flood Evacuation
Hsiang-Chieh Lee (Senior Assistant Research Fellow National Science and Technological Center for 
                           Disaster Reduction [NCDR])
Yang-Ning Lee (Assistant Research Fellow, NCDR)
Hui-HsuanYang (Senior Assistant Research Fellow, NCDR)
Ming-Jen Chuang (Senior Assistant Research Fellow, NCDR)

6. A Study of Sustainable Sociology: Reflection on 921 Earthquake Disaster
Shih-Ming Huang (Associate Professor, Institute of Economic and Social Studies, College of Hakka Studies,
                          National United University)

Research Note
1. A Disaster of Data? Social Surveys’ Limitations in the 921 Earthquake
Yi-Chun Chang (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University)
Thung-Hong Lin (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)


Abstraction Vol.50, No.4

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Human Rights Studies
Chien- Feng Wei

Special Issue Article
1. An Examination on the Implementation of the Two Covenants After Two Years: With a Focus on Judicial Practice
Wen-Chen Chang  Associate Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University

2. Situations and Worries on Hong Kong’s Human Rights Development
Yiu-Kwong Chong  Solicitor; Teaching Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Education; 
                             Deputy Chair of HK Human Rights Monitor
Hiu-Chung Kwok  Officer, Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor

3. The Chinese Communist Regime’s Human Rights Position Based on Its Policy Programmes
Joseph Yu-Shek Cheng  Coordinator, Contemporary China Research Project, City University of Hong Kong

Research Article
1.  A Study of the Writing Year of Zhu-Zi’s Zhong He Four Letters”
Hong-Wen Huang  Part-time Lecturer, General Education Center, National Taichung University of Science and Technology

Research Note
1. Emotions and Social Critiques: Emotional Explanation of Human Beings’ Social Actions
Ya-Chen Chang  Research Assistant, Division of Preventive Medicine and Health Services Research, Institute of Population Health Sciences, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan; Master of Arts, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, UK


Abstraction Vol.50, No.3

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Research Article

1. Between Academic Logistics and Education Frontline: The Bridging Labor of College Administrative Secretaries
Yi-Tze Chen, MSSc., Graduate Institute for Social Transformation Studies, Shih Hsin University,
Chih-Hung Wang   Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University

2. The Consumption of McDonald for Primary School Children: A Social-Cultural Study on Focus Groups
Li-Jung Wang, Professor, Graduate Institute of Hakka Social and Cultural Studies, National Central University
Shou-Cheng Lai, Assistant Professor, Department of Bio-industry Communication and Development, National Taiwan University
Min-Hui Fong, Teacher, Elementary School of Dong Men, Taoyuan County

3. Tourist Gaze as the Cultural Governance: Jiangs, Mainland Tourists and the (De)Politicization of Tourism
Chun-Kai Woo, Ph.D Student, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University

4. Cultural Reproduction and Gender in Nationalism: On the Gendered Nationalist Project of the Sorbian Minority in Germany
Fen-Fang Tsai, Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Hakka Social and Cultural Studies, National Central University

Research Note
1. On Intergenerational Justice
Chung-Cheng Huang, Assistant Professor, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University

Book Review
1. A Review Essay on The Development History of the Academic Discipline in the Republic of China edited by Fan-Sen Wang
Chi-Kin Au, Assistant Professor, History Department, Hong Kong Shue Yan University


Abstraction Vol.50, No.2

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Research Article
1. The Japanese Views of the 1911 Revolution of China: The Controversies between the Concepts of “Looting a Burning House” and “Lending a Helping Hand”
Tzu-Chin Huang, Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica

2. The Crucial Year 1991: On the Birth ofthe Republic of China on Taiwan”
Yi-Shen Chen. Associate research fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica

3. The Taiwan Cultural Association and The Taiwan Min Bao Shaped Public Domain: Base on Cultural Lectures During 1923-1926
Wan-Ping Lai, Master, Department of History, National Chung Hsing University

4. Celibacy: A “Leprosy” of French Society in the Nineteenth Century
Yueh-Yuan Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of History, National Chung Hsing University

5. Discussion on Commentary Forms and Their Meanings in Lijizhengyi; the Literary Thinking and Creation Practice through Early Medieval Age
Chih-Hsin Chen, Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University

6. Reflexive Operation: Observation on the Genesis of Indigenous Social Theory
Yu-Cheng Liu, Assistant Master, Residential College of International Development, National Chengchi University, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, National Chiao Tung University